Wednesday, December 14, 2011:
Rack Thrusters 10 x 1 (1RM 165#)
These were pretty fun. It really is all in the legs and hips. At 145#, I had to press the weight up at the end, and the lift was a little challenging. On the next attempt I was at 155#, and it ended up being much easier. I drove up and really popped my hips. I didn't need to press it up at all. I failed at 175#. I think I could've gotten it up, but I broke my lumbar curve at the bottom, and I didn't activate my shoulders/turn my armpits forward at the top. It was a sloppy squat, and I didn't leave myself in a good position to press it up at the end. When I get heavy on these compound (more complicated) lifts, I need to take a second and picture what I want my body to do.
"Helen" 11:16
3 Rounds for time:
400 meter run
21Kettlebell swing (1.5 pood (53 lbs.))
12 Pull-ups
I can do better. My hands were still torn up from Chelsea on Saturday, and my grip was shit. I can 12 pull-ups unbroken, but I was breaking Helen's up into 2 and 3 sets. Also, on one of the rounds I did 23 instead of 21 KBS. Crossfit Math...somehow I thought 12 + 11 = 21. I'm going to hit this again on a Sunday.
Thursday, December 15, 2011:
We did some handstand shuffling along the wall. That is challenging, and I'm going to have to work on that during open gym.
6 Rounds (3 min. of work, 1 min. rest): AMRAP
3 Power Snatches (115#)
6 Push-ups
9 Air Squats
1: 3+3, 2: 3+4, 3: 3+5, 4: 3+3, 5: ? , 6: 4.
I've gotten better at the snatch, but I'm coming off of a baseline rating of "terrible." Every so often, I nail a rep, and I have that "Oh, that's what it's supposed to feel like" moment. The majority of my reps were muscle snatches though. I really need to work on bringing my hips through. I don't know that my waist has really connected with the bar at all. However, I am happy because I haven't snatched at that weight before. The most I snatched before last night was 105#.
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