Friday, October 21, 2011

Time for a Quickie

I have 3 workouts to log and not a lot of time...Here we go.

I completed the half-marathon (13.1 miles) on Saturday, and I did it with a 30lb. backpack.  It took me 2 hours and 50 minutes.  I think I could've done it faster, but I think I would've risked injuring myself.  As it was, I didn't feel too bad.  Jeff told me that expert infantry have to march 12 miles in less than 3 hours with a 35lbs. pack.  I definitely beat that pace, and I think I could've done well with the extra 5lbs. And then I had an ice hockey game that night.  I was tired, but it was still a ton of fun (except that we lost in overtime).  We came back from a 3-0 deficit with 8 minutes left.  So it still felt pretty good.

Monday was a recovery day.

Tuesday we worked on TGU's, front squats, sumo-deadlift-highpulls and push presses.  We started with 3 sets of 1 minute max rep TGU's.  I had a 70lb. sandbag, and I did 10 the first minute on the left side, which is my strong side.  The second minute was with my right side, and I only did 6 reps.  We could choose either side for our last minute, and my right side obviously needs work so I managed 6 more reps on that side.

Then we did front squats going for a 3 sets of 3 heavy reps.  My previous one rep max was 165#, and I failed on 175#.  For my 3x3's I worked at 155#.  I felt good, and I thought that I would've been able to get 175# up.  I tried 165# on a fourth set of three, and I failed after the first rep.  I was a little frustrated by this, but overall I'm happy that I should be able to set a PR on this exercise the next time it comes up in a workout.

Wednesday the power was out at my house, and it became a recovery day.

Last night (Thursday), was a heavy back squat day.  We did 2 heavy reps every minute on the minute for 20 minutes.  I only worked at 155#.  I definitely could've stepped that up 10 or 20#, but it still was definitely a good workout.  After that we did tabata kettle bell swings.  That is 20 seconds of max rep work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 rounds.  There was a twist last night though.  After the fourth round, we had to do 20 one legged burpees on the same leg.  Then after the last 4 rounds, we had to do 20 on the other leg.  It was an interesting twist, and it was pretty tough.  All in all it was a good lower body workout, and I'm feeling it today.

Tomorrow is my first CrossFit competition.  I'm on a team of 4, and I'm really excited about.  I can't wait to post about it.

(I didn't really proof this or link any videos because of time constraints, but I had to post something.  I will come back through and clean things up next week)

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