Friday, October 28, 2011

Wednesday 10/26/11

We practiced the split jerk. I got up to 175#

Then we did Death by 5 meter lateral shuffles.  That is do 1 rep the first minute, and add 1 rep each minute up to a maximum of 15 rounds.  I was able to complete all 15 rounds.

Immediately after that we began Death by Broad Jumps.  I did 7 foot jumps, and I completed 13 full round and 10 reps of the 14th.

Also, I have decided to try to put on some weight.  I'm writing this post on Friday, and for the last two days I have been eating a ton of almonds, peanut butter, cottage cheese, protein shakes, eggs, and yogurt, and a little hemp oil in addition to my normal lunch and dinner meals.  I created a google spreadsheet to help me keep track of things.  It is a surprising amount of work.  I'm a little nervous and very excited.  I haven't done anything like this before, and I don't know how my body will react.  I want to get my numbers up though, and I will dedicate myself to putting on a little mass.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Have to post.

Okay. I just need to log my workouts.

Monday night:

5x5 floor press at 145#

Hang Power Clean
Front Squat
10 Hand-Release Push-Ups at the beginning of each round.

I used 75#, and it took me 15:10.

Tuesday night:

Max Double-Under sets: I made it to 33 reps

Snatch practice: 65#, 85#, 95#

20 Minute AmRap:
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Air Squats

I completed 18 rounds and 11 reps.  I could've hit 20 or more.  Next time.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Time for a Quickie

I have 3 workouts to log and not a lot of time...Here we go.

I completed the half-marathon (13.1 miles) on Saturday, and I did it with a 30lb. backpack.  It took me 2 hours and 50 minutes.  I think I could've done it faster, but I think I would've risked injuring myself.  As it was, I didn't feel too bad.  Jeff told me that expert infantry have to march 12 miles in less than 3 hours with a 35lbs. pack.  I definitely beat that pace, and I think I could've done well with the extra 5lbs. And then I had an ice hockey game that night.  I was tired, but it was still a ton of fun (except that we lost in overtime).  We came back from a 3-0 deficit with 8 minutes left.  So it still felt pretty good.

Monday was a recovery day.

Tuesday we worked on TGU's, front squats, sumo-deadlift-highpulls and push presses.  We started with 3 sets of 1 minute max rep TGU's.  I had a 70lb. sandbag, and I did 10 the first minute on the left side, which is my strong side.  The second minute was with my right side, and I only did 6 reps.  We could choose either side for our last minute, and my right side obviously needs work so I managed 6 more reps on that side.

Then we did front squats going for a 3 sets of 3 heavy reps.  My previous one rep max was 165#, and I failed on 175#.  For my 3x3's I worked at 155#.  I felt good, and I thought that I would've been able to get 175# up.  I tried 165# on a fourth set of three, and I failed after the first rep.  I was a little frustrated by this, but overall I'm happy that I should be able to set a PR on this exercise the next time it comes up in a workout.

Wednesday the power was out at my house, and it became a recovery day.

Last night (Thursday), was a heavy back squat day.  We did 2 heavy reps every minute on the minute for 20 minutes.  I only worked at 155#.  I definitely could've stepped that up 10 or 20#, but it still was definitely a good workout.  After that we did tabata kettle bell swings.  That is 20 seconds of max rep work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 rounds.  There was a twist last night though.  After the fourth round, we had to do 20 one legged burpees on the same leg.  Then after the last 4 rounds, we had to do 20 on the other leg.  It was an interesting twist, and it was pretty tough.  All in all it was a good lower body workout, and I'm feeling it today.

Tomorrow is my first CrossFit competition.  I'm on a team of 4, and I'm really excited about.  I can't wait to post about it.

(I didn't really proof this or link any videos because of time constraints, but I had to post something.  I will come back through and clean things up next week)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Mind Games

     My mind defeated me on Wednesday night.  The WOD was Death by Double Burpees.  Every minute on the minute we had to a set of burpees, and the number of reps went up by 2 each minute (1st min =2, 2nd min =4, 3rd min = 6, etc.).  I earned the 25# weight vest for this workout (#SOT Babay!), however I only kept through part of round 7 because it was slipping off (50 or so burpees).  There were a total of 11 rounds possible.  I started the 10th, which was 20 burpees, and from the start I sort of assumed that I wasn't going to finish in time.  So I just set a deliberate pace that I thought would keep me moving for the whole minute.  With about 10 to 15 seconds left in the round, I thought that if I went full on, I could finish. I turned it on and pushed hard, but I was wrong.  I only completed half of the last burpee by the time the minute ended.  I was pretty frustrated at that moment.  Only one person in our group made it to the last round, and as I watched him I knew that I could've beaten him.  If my body can't do something that is one thing, but to have my attitude defeat me bothered me. 

Lesson learned (I hope).

     On a positive note, my deadlift has improved. We were asked to work up to a heavy 5 for 5 sets and try to increase the load on each set.  We were supposed to use weights that would allow us to touch and go on each rep, that is to begin the next rep as soon as the weights hit the ground without the need to reset.  I went too heavy and my form suffered.  At the bottom of the rep, I was releasing the tension on my arms and hips and wasn't able to move into the next rep seamlessly.  However, I was working at 235#, and I completed six reps in one of the sets.  When we did our crossfit total not long ago, my 1 rep max on the deadlift was 245#.  Doing 6 reps at just 10 pounds lighter is a great improvement.  I'm pretty excited about that. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

In sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer

I will continue to post for this blog.  I'm #committed.

The list of stuff that I need to work on just continues to grow.  It's part of what keeps me coming back.  Yesterday, we continued to progress to handstand walks.  Nothing much to report there except that I need to practice moving my hips to change my center of gravity.  It didn't feel natural and is going to take some getting used to.

Then we moved on to the L-sits (I used that video because I'm going to build those pvc parallettes (#vocabulary))  That is incredibly difficult and has proven to me that core is weak. Okay, added to the GOAT list.

I finished the WOD in 13:07.  It was 100 walking lunges, 800m run, 100 air squats, 800m run.  I didn't time the individual portions of this, and I wish that I would have.  I did the lunges at a deliberate pace, and I definitely could've done those and the 800m runs faster than I did.  I couldn't have done the air squats much faster.

It was a beautiful night to WOD outside.

Then Jay tempted me with a second WOD of 5 rounds of weighted lunges, chest to bar pull-ups, and handstand pushups.  I wanted to do it, and I was happy that I was up for it.  The lunges would've been tough.  I don't know how I would've held up, but I was down for the push-ups and pull-ups.  I take that as a positive sign of my fitness progression.  I'm recovering and am ready for more.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Just need to post!

I went to visit the in-laws this weekend, and I didn't really workout at all.   However, all of us (wife, mother-in-law, father-in-law, and I) ran in a 5k on Saturday morning.  It was absolutely beautiful, and I set a PR.  I ran it in 20:54.9, which is 6:45 miles.  My previous PR was around 22:00.  It was a very small race, and my pace was enough to earn me second overall in the 5K.  The kid who won ran sub 6 minute miles.  He was just plain faster than me.  After congratulating him, I told him I would see him next year (in a very friendly way of course).