Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Fran and Sweat

     I have a couple of nights to catch up on.

     Monday night we did Fran (giggle).  The trainers told me that it would be fun, and it was.  There's something about thrusters (giggle) that makes for a good time.  I think it is just throwing the weight around that I enjoyed.  Fran is three cycles of 21-15-9 reps.  You start with 21 thrusters, and then you do 21 pull-ups.  Then it's 15 reps of each exercise, and then 9 reps of each to finish.  You are going for time.

     I also learned a little about "Fran Lung."  It gets really hard to breathe when pushing through the reps.  On breaks, I was panting like a dog.  I only used 65 lbs, which was enough, and I think I finished around 10:08.  I'm sure that's slow, but I expect to improve it.  We worked on our pull-up form, and I felt more comfortable with it.  Although, I still have work to do with my shoulder.  The rhythm was easier to pick up, but I know I'm still engaging my arms a little, which is limiting me.  It was the last few pull-ups that slowed me down because I was only doing one at a time.

     Last night we practiced double unders with the jump rope,  and we worked on shoulder presses to start.  We worked to find a weight that we could do 10 reps of and be struggling on the last rep.  I went as high as 95 lbs. on one set, but stayed at 85 lbs. for the rest. 

     The workout was sets of max rep push-ups with 30 24" step ups onto a box with a sandbag on your back in between sets of push ups.  I think my sandbag weighed 50 lbs.  We had to do as many repetitions (amrap) as we could in 18 minutes.  To complete a push-up we had to have our arms locked at the top, and our chest on the ground with our hands off of the floor at the bottom.  You were done as soon as you hesitated in any portion of the push-up.  I think I ended up 98 push-ups in 5 rounds, but they were definitely sloppy at the end.

      It was a good time, and I'm excited to see what they have for us tonight. 

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