Tuesday, June 28, 2011

What I am doing and why I'm blogging about it

What I am doing. 

A few weeks ago, I signed up for the GoRuck Challenge.  For those that don’t already know what that is, here is its description from the poster I printed off of the challenge’s website.

                        15-20 MILES. 8-10 HOURS. LED BY GREEN BERETS.
                        AN EPIC ADVENTURE. THE BEST OF EVERY CITY.
                        Details are not forthcoming and this challenge is not for                                                              everybody.

My challenge starts on November 19th at 1:00 a.m. To complete the challenge, each person wears a GoRuck pack that contains bricks (the number of which is determined by your weight) and whatever provisions you want to have during the challenge.  Each team is responsible for bringing a “coupon,” which is an item that must weigh 25 lbs.  I assume that the team members will take turns carrying it. 

I am also training for my first marathon, which I will run in the middle of October.

Why I am blogging about this.

I want to have something to look back on.  I have always heard that it’s the journey not the destination.  Well, I’m pretty excited about the destination, and I want to be able to revisit this journey.  Whatever else I do in life; this is going to be my first time training for something like this.  It will never be my first time again. 

Since I began to follow the GoRuck Challenge, I regularly check the challenge’s training page for reviews and training tips.  I have devoured everything that I can find, and in looking around, I find myself in pretty extraordinary company.  There are some exceptional people completing this challenge.  But I kind of feel like a regular guy trying to do something out of the ordinary.  Maybe someone else that is in a similar position (or even a different one) will get some value from this. 

Besides, the challenge seems a ways off, and writing and reading about it makes it seem closer.  I want to wring every bit of experience out of this I can.

So, here it goes.

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