Thursday, August 18, 2011

My first PR.

            I had a great day yesterday.  It was great for many reasons, but I'll focus on the workout.

            On Monday, we found out our CrossFit Total.  In order to figure out what your total is, you must find your one-rep max for the Strict Press (shoulder press), Back Squat, and Deadlift. Your CrossFit Total is the total of the three one-rep maxes on those exercises.  This was my first time trying this, and I have to say it was a lot of fun.  We were given 15 minutes for each exercise to use in order to reach our max.  At first, I misunderstood and thought we only had 15 minutes total. I started to rush through it, but we had a total of 45 minutes.  Rushing is not good because (as I learned) you need a minute or two between reps to allow yourself to reset.

            I started with the strict press, and I got up to 115#.  That rep did not seem too bad.  I struggled a bit, but I definitely felt like I could do more.  I only added 5# though, and I tried again.  Heck, I tried a few times, but I could not get that weight up.  The 2.5# plates are so small, and it seemed so silly that I couldn’t lift it.  But it would not go.  The trainers gave me some tips to help me on my form, and I moved onto the back squat.

            The Back Squat went well, and I got up to 205#.  I need to work on keeping my back strong though.  I was trying to use the bounce at the bottom to help, but with the heavier weight and the greater momentum I create, I cause my back to flatten out a bit.  Then I hit 245# on the deadlift, and my first total was 565#.

            Yesterday, I went to the County gym with a buddy, and I decided to work on the press and squat.  My plan was to work up to a heavy 3 and put some work in.  As I was working up, I focused on practicing my form (i.e. pushing my head forward as I was pressing the weight up).  Once I was up to 105#, I felt pretty good.  I wasn’t going to attempt a max, but I thought I could beat my 115# from Monday.  And I did.  I hit 125#. 

            After being frustrated by those two little 2.5# plates, it felt good.  The squats went well too, and I’m definitely sore today.

            So, that was my first PR. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Where there is a will...there are still limitations

     I have neglected this blog.  No excuses.  I should've been posting.

     Here is what has been happening.  Over the course of my training, I developed posterior shin splints.  I didn't know that I had shin splints though.  My leg caused me a little pain, but I figured it would only hold me back if I let it, and I continued to run.  I probably did myself in on my last long run, which was 14 miles.  I was in pain the whole way, and I considered stopping halfway through.  But I told myself just to start down the path and see how far I got.  If I had to quit, I would.  I finished.  That was a terrible idea, and I'm lucky I didn't train myself into a stress fracture, which would have thrown everything off track.

     That run was on a Saturday, and by my softball game the following Thursday, just running onto the field to take my position was pretty painful.  Only then did I actually start to research shin splints and ask the guys at the gym about them.  I found out that I needed to back off, and I was a little frustrated.  I was willing to put in the time and work to attain my goals, but my body was making it difficult. 

     I needed to realize that I was just doing too much too quickly.  My weeks consisted of hitting crossfit 4 or 5 days, running 3 to 5 days and covering a lot of miles, rucking 1 or 2 days, ice was too much too quickly.  I wasn't giving my body time to adapt.  So, I backed off of the running for a week, and gave myself a break.  I'm only going run the half in October, and I'm already in shape for it.  I just need to maintain it at this point.
     I’ve been icing it, and last night I did my first sets of double-unders since this speed bump.  My leg didn’t bother me at all.  Jeff and Jay got me to commit to icing it regularly, and I started ice massages last night.  I woke up feeling good and feeling excited.

     So, I've been a little frustrated, and I kind of disengaged mentally from my training.  But I'm back BABY!!

P.S.  I have discovered the worst part of ice massages.  As the feeling slowly returns to area you are massaging, it itches like crazy.

P.S.S.  I want to thank my wife, Katie, for helping me make good decisions.